When it comes to business, any successful business person knows the importance of marketing your company.
From advertising to collaborating with local companies, there are hundreds of different ways in which to do this.
However, if you are looking for a more a cost-effective method then look no further – at Dash Dynamics, we specialise in domed badges, which are a proven effective method of marketing your business.
Domed Badges for Washing Machines
A way in which to ensure that any badges are noticeable to the consumer, and stand out as important, is to use a domed badge.
The use of a domed badge creates another dimension to the product and ensures that any important information the customer should be aware of is highlighted.
Washing machines are a perfect example of this. With the use of domed badges, the various options on a washing machine are definitive and clear.
Motorcycles and Cars
When marketing your company, printing domed badges with your brand on and attaching them to motorcycles and cars can be a very useful strategy.
The domed badges, which are typically far stickier than standard labels, are durable and scratch resistant, making them the perfect addition to the exterior of motorcycles and cars.

In addition, connecting your company with an object which is often admired by plenty of potential customers promotes your business, directing individuals to your products or services and generating sales.
One of the options of where to place your badges could be on the covers of laptops.
A method which is currently used within large companies such as HP and Dell, printing your company’s logo on to a domed badge and attaching it to a laptop acts as a great method of marketing as it is visible to all whenever you are working on your laptop.
In addition, the sleek design of the domed badges represents the image that your company wishes to portray – a professional, forward-thinking business.
A helpful addition to your customers’ set of keys is a printed keyring containing your company’s logo.
Never too far from your customer’s line of sight, a keyring will ensure that your company is always prevalent in the consumer’s mind, and provides a platform for easily accessible important company details, such as a contact number for any enquiries.
Personalised Name Badges
Appreciated for their aesthetic and tactile appeal, domed badges are also a favourite when it comes to providing name badges for your employees.
The badges are durable, weather resistant and last over time, ensuring that there is no fading or discolouration in years to come.

Set your company above your competitors today, and contact us for all of your domed badges needs – with our help, we can help you find an innovative marketing solution to help propel your business towards success.